Sleep Apnea and Snoring

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How to treat sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea or OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome) is defined as the repetition of complete or partial respiratory obstructions during the patient’s sleep.

It happens without you realizing it. You may have brief and very frequent awakenings which lead to a decrease in the quality of your sleep.

There are several consequences to this:

  • Daytime sleepiness: particularly dangerous for vehicle drivers.
  • Lack of energy, fatigue from exertion …
  • Hypertension or cardiovascular disorders: these serious conditions can also be linked to sleep apnea.

To remedy this problem, we offer a treatment that aims to wear a dental orthosis.

To remedy this problem, we offer a treatment that aims to wear a specific dental orthosis. This nocturnal dental treatment is based on the principle of a device that is held on the lower jaw (mandible). This device is positioned slightly forward to free your posterior airways. Thus, the increased airflow allows for better ventilation.

This dental appliance is most often made up of two small splints that rest totally or partially on your upper and lower jaws.

To be covered by the CPAM, this treatment must be prescribed by your ENT specialist, your pulmonologist or your sleep specialist.
